A Quiet One. Please look at my posts here. I think they answer our questions At least I hope they do
Lady Lee
JoinedPosts by Lady Lee
AAWA is here!! (The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists)
by cedars inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcic4g5tulw.
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
AAWA is here!! (The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists)
by cedars inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcic4g5tulw.
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
Lady Lee
Like anything a person who decides to call for help has to take a leap in judgement that the people they are asking will be able to help or able to direct them to help.
If a person emails us or writes a letter or makes a call there has to be trust on both sides. It makes little difference to me if a person chooses to use a fake name or a private email address unknown to other peeople where they live or a PO Box number that no one can access but them.
Our goal is to help, to listen, to offer suggestions and ideas where they can go locally for help if needed.
If they don't have a small amount of trust to make that first contact there isn't much we can do. But once they have made that effort their trust in us will be respected.
AAWA is here!! (The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists)
by cedars inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcic4g5tulw.
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
Lady Lee
Just to add:
It is important to us that people who contact us feel safe and that their information is protected.
Over the years I have had countless people contact me for support in many different ways. Just because I am retired and no one is paying me I haven't stpped considering confidentiality extremely important not only to the person I am dealing with but to my personal reputation. I have been here since 2001. I'm not about to change the way I deal with people now. And I will expect that same kind of ethic and consideration from anyone who chooses to work with me in the Support end of AAWA
AAWA is here!! (The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists)
by cedars inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcic4g5tulw.
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
Lady Lee
I am the Team Leader for Support. I have nothing to do with billing or accounts so I would never see that. Neither would anyone working on my team providing support
AAWA is here!! (The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists)
by cedars inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcic4g5tulw.
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
Lady Lee
If we had Russian translators we would do what we can in Russian, or Spanish or French, or pick a language.
does anyone ever hear or know about safe harbor christain councling?
by unstopableravens inany info would be good, maybe reviews as well.
Lady Lee
I don't know about the group. Try a Google search
This is the info jgnat mentionned
Finding a Therapist
Many of the women that I talk to have spent a lot of time looking for a good therapist. Sadly, many have not been helped by the professionals they have seen or worse still, some have been abused by therapists. Finding good therapy and support as you heal is important and it can require effort on your part to find someone you can feel comfortable with, safe and with whom you can work.
You will be talking about things that are highly personal and perhaps things you have never told anyone before. Having your trust violated and betrayed in the past can make it difficult to try to trust anyone again. You may have spoken to people before only to find it thrown back at you or have found out that your secrets have been told to others. Or you made have been made fun of or had your experiences minimized.
Finding help to deal with your problems is important to your healing. Building a good support system is essential to help you through the process. A good support network can include a lot of different elements. Supportive friends and family, perhaps a self-help group or group counseling and individual counseling can provide the needed help when things get difficult. Reading information about the type of abuse you have experienced as well as information on the recovery process will give you an idea of what to expect and may make the process less overwhelming and scary.
A lot of people are intimidated by therapists. Usually we go see a therapist when we are feeling most vulnerable. That makes it difficult to feel like an equal when meeting prospective therapists. The reality is that you are hiring somebody to do a job for you. You want someone who is qualified, knowledgeable and understanding. You also need somebody who will see the therapeutic relationship as a partnership. You do not give up your rights to make decisions for your life. The therapist is a guide not a dictator (those are the abusive ones). Together you work as a team trying to deal with the various problems and issues that have been created as a result of the abuse.
You need to interview this person to whom you are going to tell your innermost secrets to. Some therapists hate this. They think that since they have the education, they are the best judge of what you need. If you meet one like this RUN . . . FAST. A good sense of humor helps too, since there is so much pain. A little humor can help relieve the tension a lot of the time. Ever notice how when you're really nervous you start laughing even when things are bad?
Another really important thing to know about is how much does this person understand about abuse issues. Some people (therapists) included blame the victim, or think you should keep the family together no matter what. Some therapists think they know what's wrong with you and start telling you how to run your life or decide for you what kind of abuse you've been through. Some want to get everybody on pills to hide the problems. While there might be situations where medication is necessary, it should never replace good solid counseling.
Some therapists are survivors themselves. This can be an excellent choice of therapist IF the person has dealt with their own issues. If they haven't then it is very likely they won't be able to help you. But a therapist/survivor who has done their own healing work, can understand the process in a way that many others cannot. This does not mean that a person who has not been abused cannot be a good therapist. Many are. They just bring different things into the process. Either way, it can be helpful. Some therapists won't disclose their personal history. Then it depends on your comfort level about knowing or not knowing. If it becomes an issue then perhaps you need to find somebody else.
Therapy is a place where you get to practice new skills for dealing with problems and situations. You should be able to tell a good therapist when you are uncomfortable with something that is happening in the therapeutic relationship. Some therapists will always place the blame on the client. This is abuse. Nobody is always right, therapists included. If you are feeling uncomfortable, you need to talk about it. If the therapist does put the blame on you (You misunderstood; That's not what happened; That's only your past talking) - leave. This is your opportunity to take back your power. Anybody who refuses to admit they make mistakes is a potential abuser (emotionally) and that's what you're there to learn to change -- how to take care of yourself and how to get out of abusive relationships.
You might also want to ask how much experience they have in dealing with abuse issues, how long they have been working and how long they have been working with the kind of abuse you have experienced? What books have they read? Do they recommend reading, journaling, art therapy, self-help groups? Do they do family or couple counseling when needed? What are their fees, cancellation rules, contact outside of office hours? Can you contact them or other services in an emergency? How? Remember no therapist can be on call for all the people they see in the office.
What is important here is that you both understand how you will work together. It is something you negotiate together. Problems get discussed. Slowly you learn that you have a voice in the therapeutic relationship. After that you go out into the world and use what you have learned on relationships in your life. Good Luck and take good care of yourself.
There is a Mole in Brooklyn
by Oubliette inreading cedar's excellent article about the july 15, 2013 new-light" study edition of the watchtower got me thinking:.
the control freaks in brooklyn known as the governing body (aka fds) must be having conniption fits knowing that there is a mole in bethel leaking information to apostates!
"three weeks ahead of its expected release date in mid-april, a scanned copy of the july 15 2013 "study edition" of the watchtower was leaked to the office of jwsurvey by a conscientious active witness within the organization.".
Lady Lee
If there is a trap I really doubt the GB would think of how to set it up.
But a bunch of legal lackies could do it
by The Searcher injesus always used illustrations to help people reason on the import of what he was saying.
here is an illustration followed by a reality;.
imagine that your heart went out to all those poor people who suffered when fukushima blew up, so much so, that when an internationally renowned charity asked for donations to help those in need, you donated $5000 to the cause.
Lady Lee
AAWA is here!! (The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists)
by cedars inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcic4g5tulw.
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
Lady Lee
There is also a Facebook Page
AAWA is here!! (The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists)
by cedars inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcic4g5tulw.
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
Lady Lee
I want to ask those of you who post on other sites: Please take this message with you. Post the links. Tell people. Share it with those you know
We will need a lot of volunteers to take on a huge task. The Volunteer button has been fixed